Thursday, July 18, 2013

Still Bargain Shopping!

So you know I am always trying to find a way to squeeze a's almost a game to me now "how much can I save".  I have a new addiction though and it is markdown meat.  Now I know you are thinking the same thing I thought for years...yuck...ewwww...gross...markdown meat?  I am now a major fan and it all started a couple of weeks back.

 I had a hankering for some beef which I think you all know is something not often eaten here.  So there I was at the Harris Teeter right around the beef section kinda window shopping (cause that's what I normally do in the vegetable and meat sections of that particular store) and what do my eyes spy but...3 Angus beef steaks for $3.35...I know I thought the same thing and even asked the guy at the meat counter if that could possibly be right...would something be marked for that little?  Turned out I was reading the wrong number and they were even about 2.62?  Originally 21.00 now only that much?  So I looked around and snuck them into my cart carefully perusing the rest of the meat counter for more markdowns. 

So 3 meals later of some delicious steak and a few bargain purchases later (some beef and some boneless pork chops) I am going to be that person who is always checking out the markdown meat!!

On a totally different front I should soon be the proud owner of my own laptop since my desktop decided it had gone on for long enough and no longer had any interest in ingesting dog fur...I will be able to post much more regularly (since the kindle idea just didn't work for more than the one post anyway)!


  1. good for you! I'm presuming you ate it and survived. ;-)

    1. I did, it was delicious and I will do it again!

  2. Hello! I assume they just have to mark it way down in order to move it on? (I don't eat meat so have no experience).

    We always shop the "used food" rack (my husband jokingly calls it that), the rack near the back with sale stuff. Usually we score bagels, english muffins, etc., and we then freeze them and warm them up so you never know they are on the other side of "fresh."
